Cement Retained
- Materials
- Titanium
- Zirconia (Some Implant Companies)
- Between 550-1125 MPa
- Advantages
- Highly aesthetic by eliminating the visibility of the screw hole
- Helps evenly distribute occlusal forces
- Able to have an angled abutment to help with the emergence profile

Screw Retained
- Cast-to Abutments
- Porcelain Fused to Metal
- Full Cast
- Ti-Base (Hybrid) Abutments
- Zirconia
- e.Max
- Pekkton
- Advantages
- Risk of leaving excess cement is extremely low
- Retrievability is very easy
- Able to angle a screw channel up to 25° for maximum aesthetic

Hybrid Bar
- Full Contour Zirconia
- Full Multi-Gradient Zirconia >1100 MPa
- Gingiva stain & glaze enhancement
- Pekkton
- Bond lithium disilicate crowns
- Bond PMMA bridge
- Gingiva layering with light cured material
- Light weight, characteristics of a human bone, and shock absorbent