Warranties & Policies

GCS Remake Policy

Great Crowns & Smiles Dental Lab warrants that all crown and bridge restorations and night guards will be constructed according to the prescribing dental practice’s specifications. Great Crowns & Smiles Dental Lab will repair or replace any product that fails due to defects in materials or workmanship, such as chipped or cracked porcelain, within a period of three (3) years from date of invoice.

Great Crowns & Smiles Dental Lab is not a “No Fault” lab. The cost of custom-made dental restorations cannot be refunded. A percentage of 50-100% will be applied to the dental practice’s account if the restoration, after review, does not meet Great Crowns & Smiles superior quality standards. Original model(s), impression(s), bite(s) and more importantly, the original restoration itself, MUST BE RETURNED to Great Crowns & Smiles Dental Lab to be eligible for a 100% credit. Failure to do so will result in a full charge for the remake.

Situations where Great Crowns & Smiles Dental Lab will not be issuing any credit to the dental practice’s account are:

  • Great Crowns & Smiles Dental inquired with the dental office about concerns over the die, margin, or impression, however, the dental practice approved and requested completion of the case

  • Great Crowns & Smiles Dental requested a try-in, but the buyer declined and asked for a completed case

  • The dental practice re-prepped the teeth

  • Implant parts and/or alloy were used

  • The dental practice is requesting a shade change different from the original requested shade

  • If the restoration(s) fit the original model(s) and master die(s)

  • If it has been more than thirty(30) days from the original invoice

  • On CAD/CAM crowns and bridges, if Great Crowns & Smiles requested a new scan, but the dental practice approved “as is” and requested completion for the case



Great Crowns & Smiles Dental Lab cannot issue refunds on custom made dental restorations. A credit will be applied to the dental practice’s account and may be used on lab services only.  In order to be eligible for a credit, Great Crowns & Smiles Dental Lab must be given the opportunity to fix or remake the original restoration. If a case is returned without the opportunity to fix or remake, the dental practice will only receive a 30% credit to their account. This credit is only for labor cost involved and not for the total bill.  

Great Crowns & Smiles Lab is not responsible for any additional costs or fees associated with adjustments, repairs, and replacement of dental restoration.

If Great Crowns & Smiles Dental Lab receives a remake case WITHOUT the original restoration, this will result in a FULL CHARGE. You will have thirty (30) days from the original invoice date to return the original restoration for a credit to your account.

Great Crowns & Smiles Dental Lab’s Remake Policy will not apply to any account that is past due. We reserve the right in our sole discretion to refuse to accept any new cases or process any remake cases until the balance is paid in full and the account is current.

Great Crowns & Smiles Dental Lab can amend the remake policy at its sole discretion and without notification.

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Start changing your life today.

At every step of your case planning, we will provide you with a detailed proposal of the smile design, complete with photo images. Share these with your patients and incorporate their feedback to create the perfect treatment plan. Experience a new level of patient engagement and satisfaction, ensuring effective treatment and a great experience every visit.

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